An enjoyable afternoon
Well that's the taster session done then - a 2 hour trial to see if I want to go on the sailing course - and I do!. It was most enjoyable, particularly as the wind was quite lively and gusting on Saturday afternoon. We came very close to capsizing the boat a few times but managed to stay reasonably dry, unlike some of the other novices. Something to remember for the next time - you have to jump out of the boat when you land it and wearing trainers, even though they are old is not a good idea (very wet and squidgy). The boat we used was a Wayfarer, bigger than some of the boats but still a little cramped
Although I really didn't seem to do much apart from a little bit of tacking, it was quite tiring. I don't know how I will feel after 4 hours tuition (for 6 weeks) Got rather sunburnt too.
Sunday was more relaxing, visiting the outlaws and more importantly buying some more bits for my long running trailer project which I can now continue with. Pictures to follow.
Still one day's holiday left too it's nice having these bank holidays...