Barrys Blog

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ola from Spain


The blogs are less frequent these days – mainly as I have been busy but also as I haven’t really had anything too interested to say. Over the past few weeks though there has been a little more activity to report on.

Progress continues on the drive and this weekend I have been cutting the blocks to fills the gaps at the ends of the rows. The tools of choice has been a petrol disc cutter and very effective it is too. I have finished the cuts today without any accidental amputations.

Yesterday I did my last bit of training for the Bristol Half Marathon that takes place next Sunday (6th September). I did 11 miles and it felt good so I hope that it will serve me well for the 13.2 miles next weekend.

This week it will be a few short runs just to keep the muscles loose so long as I don’t overdo it.

The title reference to Spain is because we went there last weekend –Barcelona to be exact.It was a weekend away with a neighbour and friends of theirs. The weekend was great but spoilt by the theft of my wallet and this extended to the remainder of this week – trying to sort out all of my cards ID etc.

Barney has been in the wars a bit for the past few weeks and it has been costing us a small fortune at the vet – the latest is that he has had to wear a collar for the past week or so, which has been a little uncomfortable for him.

The few photographs that we took during the weekend can be found on our new photo site – powered by Smugmug and we are in the process of moving all of the photos from the previous repository and those from our web site to a single location. I like the interface of the site and i am slowly in the process of customising it to my particular requirements.

And that’s about it really – oh the voucher has arrived for my bike now so I just need to wait until the 2010 models are launched.


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