It's been a while since I last blogged as things have been a little more awkward without internet access at home still but that's not the only reason. Quite a lot has happened in the meantime though with the most recent being a weeks holiday last week. We spent a few days in Cornwall at Watergate Bay in a really nice hotel which was quite a bargain. Included in the deal was a 6 course taster menu at "15" Jamie Oliver's restaurant and this was very good indeed.
To offset the damage done by over indulging we did a little exercise including a couple of long walks and a very interesting cycle ride along a disused railway line. Took quite a few photos and these will follow.
The weather was very good with no rain and mostly sunny days. Ironically as I was driving back from Kent yesterday afternoon it was reported that there had been heavy snow in exactly the same spot in Okehampton as we had been at the week before, when we were there we had the roof down on Carol's car!!! British weather eh...
Work was busy leading up to the break with a few days in London trying to tie up all of the loose ends before I left. Still had some stuff to come back to though.
Vista seems to be behaving itself quite well and I am feeling my way around it a little more now. Not really got the system set up properly though as I want to wait to get the broadband sorted out before I reinstall the OS and reload all of my applications.
Took the boat (Bright Spark) down to the sailing club on Saturday (17th March) as there was a working day when volunteers came along to spruce up the club for the coming season. Did some painting of the club house and had a good time catching up on the gossip with old friends and making some new ones. I have my duties for the coming season and I am an ASBO (Assistant Safety Boat Officer) on two occasions this year, Carol is in the galley at the same time. Hopefully I intend to sail it for the first time this Sunday but at the moment I am laid up with a pulled muscle after being a little too vigorous on the rowing machine - and its really painful.
Carol will be starting her revision in earnest this weekend for the exam (note the singular) in May. This is the big one as if she passes then she graduates the course - fingers crossed. Therefore we won't be going very far over the Easter hols but will be seeing Sound of Music on May 4th. We are going to the Isle of Wight though on the 1st/2nd April as Carol has a job interview with IOW District Council. Yes there is an Arup office nearby in Southampton.
No major purchases recently and as the weather hopefully improves I hope to be spending a little more time outside and in particular having a go at racing (sailing). Still lusting over a new Canon lens though and may take the plunge before going to China in September.
Have been continuing to go tot the Gym and playing squash a little more recently. A friend of mine (ex neighbour) and I play on Saturdays quite regularly now and whilst it is never a "friendly" game in the strictest sense of the word, there is some very competitive squash being played - at least by our standards.
The broadband saga continues and now BT are involved - too complicated to explain but I feel that I am making slow progress - I said that before didn't I?
With the evenings getting lighter everyone feels more awake and with the summer to look forward too then it cheers everyone up a little.