A Nice Night in - I must be getting old
It's Christmas Day and quite early too but how can you sleep with all of those presents downstairs.The festive celebrations kicked off properly last night though with our friends. Met up for an early drink in the local pub when it wasn't too crowded and then back to Janet and Andy's for a few more drinks, some great food and (at times) some deep and meaningful converstation, or at least as serious as you can get after around 5-6 pints. At least it didn't degenerate into what's happening in the latest soaps or something like that. Still managed to get home at a respectible time ( I think around 11.00 pm) for an oldie.
A few plans were hatched for the New Year including a "cultural" tour of southern Ireland and the Black Country Experience 2 but closer to the present we have to fit in part of the Mendip Way and a Curry - but not at the same time - before Carol is back at work later this week.
That's what it seems to be about (for me at least) nowadays is a combination of good days out coupled with sensible nights out without an excess of either - err, better stop now i'm beginning to scare myself a little...