Barrys Blog

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Broadband Woes

I never thought that two pieces of wire could cause so much trouble but they have. It started a few weeks ago when I noticed that I was getting a very poor conncection speed on my extension socket and this may be having a detrimental affect on my broadband transfer rates. Well its much better now but not after a lot of messing around with rewiring and new sockets and the like.

My DAB radio is sick at the moment and may even be terminal - it's away being evaluated to see if it really does have the fault I have complained about and I will probably end up having a refund. I have taken a quick look at the alternatives and this one is favourite at the moment the Evoke 2 xt from Pure. As the BT Aviator was particulary well specced it meant I now have a good idea of what I want out of a radio - one of the most important features being an alarm clock! So depending upon the outcome this may be my next purchase.

The weather is better now and I was hoping to get out and sail this weekend but the club boat is still being repaired - probably from the last time we borrowed it. As we are in Paris next weekend then it will be the week after before I can hopefully set sail.

Carol gets part of her life back on Monday with her 2nd and final exam (Law) on Monday 8th May. Then its just a small matter of writing an 8000 word dissertation that needs to be in handed in by the first week in June. Then it's Party time!!! She has my full sympathy and admiration for doing this - it brings back painful memories of my final year of my degree - 10 years ago this year.

Next few weeks are likely to be busy at work particularly w/c 22nd May when I go to Prague for 4 days. We have decided that we need to get some quality camping in this year and will be making plans shortly to make this happen.


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