Barrys Blog

Sunday, January 01, 2006

First Blog of the New Year

It's been just a year since I first started blogging and although I haven't blogged on regular basis it has been interesting to look back on some of the postings that I have made over the past 12 months.

The New year has come in with the typical bad weather and gray skies - with both Carol and I recovering from a late night and a little too much booze. Some resolutions made too - just can't recall what they were though.

This is Carol's final year at college and I'm sure that she is glad - although there is a bit of a way to go yet until June then she can start enjoying the summer. With holidays planned for later on in the year we again hope to do some camping this year as we didn't manage it last year. I see that my web site is stil unfinished so I suppose that ought to do something about that too. The immediate project though is to re-use the bits salvaged from the recent upgrade of my PC for the "loft PC" and work has started on this already.

Soon be back to work proper and although I am not really looking forward to it, I will be glad to get into the routine

Happy 2006...


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