Barrys Blog

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Back From Cuba - To the Cold Weather

It's only been a few days since we got back but already the warm weather seems a distant memory. The holiday was great and just what we both needed as things had been quite hectic up to the time we went.

The Country was a little different to the typical holidays we have had before, made more so by the culture of the place and of course the communist regime. Although only 80 miles away from America at the closest point they don't like each other much and this is quite evident from talking to some of the people we met. Food was basic but satisfactory and it was good to get back to the junk food when we got home. Took lot's of pictures and they are here if you care to take a look.

On a more mundane note it's christmas soon and for once we seem reasonably well prepared having got all of the presents before we left for our holidays. Next week I buy Christmas from Marks & Spencer and then we are sorted - I think. So 1 week at work (London mostly) then another holiday - yipee.

Progress is slow but steady with the electrification of the garden shed but now that's complete I can start building a bench in there with the benefit of heating and lighting.

Squash is suffering at the moment with working away so much and I am due to play my first game in around 4-5 weeks today - ouch.

There have been a few partes and the inevitable drinkies and many more that I have had to refuse - the perils of being popular I suppose.

Waiting for Santa to arrive now though to see what goodies I have been bought...


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