Barrys Blog

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Pleasant End To a Bad Week

It's not been a brilliant week this week, nothing too serious mind you but annoying just the same. It was all around the problems that I am having trying to buy my Music Keg Player. A week to get Pixmania to send it out and then DHL lose the parcel!

The real problem is that "Customer Care" means something different to large organisations compared to the general public - For Pixmania it means only the Customer cares because the companies don't - about service that is.

Add to that the fact that I bought a lead for my hands free kit which was wrong and has damaged the car kit itself. So my day off on Friday was a bit of a waste of time aaaggghhh!

Saturday was much better though - went to the Southampton Boat show. Great weather and the latest models to lust after err... you know what I mean.

Seriously the choice of boats was good and it helped a lot with a future choice of boat it will probably be a single hander now with a few miles on the clock just to get into it. The particular model I am interested in at the moment is a Comet Solo but we will see what is available.

In two weeks time I am off to Reading to try one of these out at a demo day - if it's not too cold!!!


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