Barrys Blog

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My Birthday- Part Two

This weekend I had the 2nd part of my Birthday present which you will recall was a trip to see Evita at the Adelphi Theatre London. The show was well, so good that it's difficult to describe adequately with an almost constant whirl of activity from the performers - do the really do this show twice a day 6 times per week? The time flew by and it seemed no time at all before we were outside at the end of the performance waiting for the coach to take us home. ideally it needs another visit to see it again so that you can concentrate on some of the incidental activity, so perhaps later on this year or next. In any case a definite recommendation for anyone to see it.

So what else has happened this week, well a number of things actually including Carol's new hairdresser experience ( I like to add the word experience to these phrases as it makes it a little more interesting than it actually is) We have a new "Salon" on our estate in WSL (no tacky newsagents for us you know) and Carol has just had her hair styled there this week (by Adam mmmm - nice). It was a bit different to the style and colour that she normally has and typically that's usually bad news, with threats of staying at home for the next few weeks, flying off to South America ( oh wer'e doing that anyway aren't we) or wearing a hat all of the time - even in bed. Fortunately none of those has been necessary as everyone who saw it said it looked really nice ( would you really say anything else though?) However me, being the forthright person I try to be, I would only tell Carol the truth and my opinion is ... that I really think it's >>error in script>> . So there I've said it now.

Now there was something else too .. ah yes I know, my new Dinghy. As I write this (on Sunday Morning) we are getting ready to take it on it's maiden Voyage (with me at least) supported by my able crew mate Carol. She has a little trepidation at the moment but I keep telling her it will be fine. I will post Blog later to say how we got on. I am also creating a page with some photos too and will include a link later.

Finally I (or to be more strictly correct my Blog) seems to have a attracted a following from a group of young ladies I suppose they could be collectively referred to as "Blog Totty" as they have been reading my previous postings on the web site and are avidly awaiting the next posting (well that's probably stretching the truth a bit). Yes I know you don't believe me so I think they need to post some comments on the site and or photos just to prove I'm not making it up. Apparently they are also dictating the content of the Blog too - what happened to free speech eh. And that is why I had to talk about hairdressers this week. Please don't make me do a piece on bags and shoes. Why interested in my my Blog - well I blame the "Care in the Community" of the late 90's really and the fact that at workl they have far too much spare time on their hands, when they should really be working. Still bring it on I guess that this is my 15 mins of fame - isn't it?


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