Barrys Blog

Monday, July 30, 2007

Two wheels good - Four wheels better?


This weekend was the date for the Black Country experience II (this time it's serious).

For this event I managed to arrange a factory tour of Westfield sports cars in Pensnett. The tour was very good and the test drive of one of the cars even better. A simple 1600cc engine with hardly any body to pull around means that you can get near motorcycle performance from the car - quite cheap too. Having tried both I think the bike still has the edge but at least you can't fall off it.

Sampled the Batham's and the Enville Ale - very nice and even managed to spend a few hours with my Mom too. As a bonus we were pleased to avoid Boff and  disappointed to miss Amanda as they came down to Cardiff for the weekend. Just joking Boff - honestly :)

Carol did get her pressies too. I bought her a new watch, an Omega De Ville which looks really good and my Mom bought her a top of the range Sat Nav Tomtom 910 for when she gets lost around Trowbridge. So pretty good all in all. - but she does deserve it ...oh did I say that already?

As I write this we have just had our third consecutive day without any appreciable amounts of rain - is this the turning point?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Upon seeing this I fell into a great rage, without exactly knowing why.. He actually set about reading for improvement; and although at the end of the term he could not quite make out from his historical studies which side Hannibal was on, yet this is readily explained by the fact that he boarded round, and was obliged to read generally by firelight, surrounded by ungoverned children.. They thus stand entirely without the psychological realm of the dream structure.. He bought some oranges of a little, bowlegged black boy, and sat down on a log to eat them and to give up his mind to enjoyment.. One of the boarders christened it a Father Hubbard, and it certainly was high in the waist and full in the skirt.. Aleck's ivories gleamed in the darkness as he disappeared.. We shall avoid any misapplication of this manner of representation if we remember that presentations, thoughts, and psychic formations should generally not be localized in the organic elements of the nervous system, but, so to speak, between them, where resistances and paths form the correlate corresponding to them.. We have solved the riddle of the superabundant dream content compressed within the briefest moment by explaining that this is due to the appropriation of almost fully formed structures from the psychic life.. Yes, said the Judge, good-humoredly.. Girls, said Abner, loftily; I don't know about girls--I'm just going to call on one girl--Champe Claiborne.. Buller's exclamations had made him a little nervous, and, in his anxiety to turn quickly, he had pulled upon his horse's bit with more energy than was actually necessary, and his nervousness being communicated to the horse, that animal backed with such extraordinary vigor that the hind wheels of the wagon went over a bit of grass by the road and into the water.. Republished in Afield and Afloat , by Frank Richard Stockton; copyright, 1900, by Charles Scribner's Sons.. How should she? Ralph admired the picture very much.. A stunning good idea. That's what maw said, too, and of course your knowing him will make it all the easier for you, said the young woman.. Prendergast when the Oregon bill passed? And if poor Prendergast stays there! Certainly, the worst use you can make of a man is to put him in prison! I know, indeed, that public men of the highest rank have resorted to this expedient long ago.. The leaky little boat was plunging and dancing in swift ecstasy of movement; all about them the little waves ran glittering in the sunlight, plashing and slapping against the boat's low side, tossing tiny crests to the following wind, showing rifts of white here and there, blowing handfuls of foam and spray.. He was still happy, but his laughter began to seem strange to him in the solitude.. How the elder found Balaam is a mystery yet: not that Balaam was hard to find, but that the old man was in no condition to find anything.. It would be quite an error to suppose that a profounder knowledge of dream symbolism (the Language of Dreams) would make us independent of questioning the dreamer regarding his impressions about the dream, and would give us back the whole technique of ancient dream interpreters...

12:33 pm  

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