Barrys Blog

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Moving On Up

The last few months have been really busy for Carol finishing of her College course and swotting for job interviews but now it's time to relax a little as she has just been offered a new job!!

It's a senior HR Advisor at Trowbridge Council and she went for the Interview on Friday 6th July. The post is initially centered in Education but offers the opportunity to move around the various HR departments to get the post Graduate experience she needs.

It will be a tough year however as Trowbridge is quite a trip - but hopefully the benefit will outweigh the inconvenience - like the 50% pay rise.

It's the day of the Durleigh Regatta today and it looks like being a good day. It was very windy yesterday but now its much calmer - hopefully not too calm though!!

Yet to try out my camera properly but have a trip to Westonbirt arboretum planned for Sunday to take some pictures of trees and things.


Blogger RedBreva said...

Congratulations... ;-)

5:46 pm  

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