Barrys Blog

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Photographic Developments…

The main theme of this short Blog is photography which I suppose that you guessed from the title – but for two different reasons.

The first is that I sold my 5D a few weeks ago to take advantage of the reasonably good 2nd hand prices that the camera was commanding and also to make me commit to buying the 5D MkII.

Trouble is, that they are in short supply at the moment and although I have one on order at Amazon the delivery date is mid January and that’s starting to get a little close to my New Zealand holiday in February. I just hope that I can get one before I leave for NZ.

The second reason is that Carol has entered the world of SLR Photography. Becoming increasingly uninspired by the limitations of compact cameras she has bought a Canon 100D with the 18-55mm kit lens and a very nice 18-200mm Sigma zoom – which when you take into account the crop factor gives an nice optical zoom range.

She was lucky enough to have the opportunity to have a try before you buy with a friends camera before taking the plunge.

So now Carol has her new camera and I don’t – bugger!!

Anyway I haven’t bored you with work for a little while and that’s because I have so busy doing it. Last week I was in Milan for the week and as I write this I'm in a hotel London but just for the one night.

It follows quite a busy weekend when I ran the Christmas cracker run – organised by Weston Athletic Club. My time of 50 mins 26 secs for the 10k race was 4 minutes faster than the time I did 10 years ago !!!   


The photo was taken before the start of the race I would like to say though that we all got through it quite well.  Proves that there is life in old dog yet.

Last night was our FM Xmas party and this Friday is the Office Party, then there is the breakfast next Monday and a drink or two after work on Xmas eve so just getting in the mood for the big day.

Pretty sure what pressies I’m getting and so is Carol so no big suprises this year. BTW only about 9 weeks until our holiday and a little over 3 weeks until 2009 when we have been married 25 years.


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