Barrys Blog

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Miracle of Christmas ...

I have posted this blog as I don't quite believe what has happened today.  If you read the blog you will already be aware that  I was without a camera after selling my 5D a few weeks ago. Since then I have been (Im)patiently scanning the web to find a supplier that has a 5D mk2 in stock and at a price I am prepared to pay. Best so far was Amazon, no stock but £300 off msp.

It's not close to the holiday but I was starting to worry. A little bored with not much to do I went to Bristol today and as usual I looked in the window of Bristol Cameras. Posted in the window was a A4 printout announcing stock of the 5D MK2 at £1900 (£400 off msp!!)

I went in and cautiously asked the assistant if there were any and he produced the last one boxed and sealed. After the ritualistic taking out of the box fitting a lens and taking a few snaps - I bought it, then rushed back to cancel my order withy Amazon. As I left they  removed the poster and said that stock would be back to their usual price of £2,250 (or there abouts)

It's on the table at the moment while the battery charges and I read the user guide (honestly). With just about a week of the holiday left then let the fun begin!!! - poor Barney.

Father Christmas has indeed been kind to me this year...


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