Barrys Blog

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy New Year - Eventually...

I guess that I am overdue to be posting a New Year Blog but I thought that I would wait until I had something useful to say.

Well back at work almost a week after the break and it's getting better. At home I have embarked on the refurbishment of my Dinghy and at the time of writing I have rubbed down the hull, filled in the dents and scratches and undercoated ready for the new colour for 2007 - Shannon Green. The boat is to be named this year too and I have a few ideas that I am considering. Also I have been working on the trailer(s) - Road and Launch - so that they can safely copulate with each other whilst supporting the boat to and from the sailing club. Pictures to follow sometime soon.

I took the plunge and bought the Sony TV that I mentioned in a previous Blog and its a great picture sitting proudly in the bedroom and soon to be fitted to the wall when I have the necessary mods to the wall to support it. Also on the Technology front I am soon to acquire another LCD monitor to work alongside my existing screen. Need to sort out a new video card now.

We have booked our holiday for this year and we have decided on China for our September holiday. It's basically a tour of the best bits of China with a few days in Hong Kong at the end of the holiday. Good flights, nice hotels and another adventure. Another quite year then...

The rest of the year is beginning to get busy too and we have a few weekends and special events planned for the year including the Sound of Music, a week in Cornwall - but they seem a little way away yet .

Attendance at the Gym is going well and the slight over indulgence during the Xmas period needs to be worked off.


Blogger RedBreva said...

Sound like you will need a holiday to recover from the adventure that is 'China in September'!

8:56 am  

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