Barrys Blog

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Week 2 of the Sailing Course

Down dropt the breeze, the sails dropt down, 'Twas sad as sad could be; And we did speak only to break The silence of the sea! (the rime of the Ancient Mariner) - well reservoir actually but you get the idea I imagine. This week was somewhat clamer than the previous with some wind for the first half of the afternoon and very little after. It did give me the chance to practice my sailing at ease especially the Gybing which when done in any wind causes the boom to move very quickly from one side to the other. watch your head!!

Also I managed to do some more work on my trailer (pictures to follow) and it's looking quite good now. It's a little over engineered though but at least it won't bounce around on the road when unladen.

As we are going to the review of the fleet on the 28th June I thought I would buy a monopod as some of the shots will be taken at early evening - still deciding which one to buy though as there are so many to choose from and they vary enourmously in price.


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