Barrys Blog

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Booked Our Holiday

At last something a little more interesting to add to the Blog. On Saturday we booked our holiday for this year in Cuba.

It's not until December so we are hoping to get the best of the English weather first and jet off when it is cold and rainy here. The "Discover Cuba" tour is 7 days flying from Gatwick with stops at various hotels around the island. All meals and tours are included and there is something to do every day - yipee!!

Back to the UK and the weather has been quite bad in the Southwest over the last day or so. Fortunately nothing like as bad as up north where there has bee severe flooding in places like Carlisle - poor buggers not a very good start to the New Year.

News on the job from -we should be receiving our "at risk" letters early next week and this will give me a better idea of what happens next.


Blogger RedBreva said...

hehe, so much for spending less money this year and having camping holidays...

8:28 am  

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