Barrys Blog

Monday, January 03, 2005

The Last Day of the Holidays

Well here it is the last day of the Xmas break. Although it seems a long time I'm not really looking forward to going back. be better when I get into the swing of it I suppose.

Today is the "Bank Holiday Walk" where we take the dog for a much extended outing that usually ends up at a fish & chip shop or Pub. Traditionally it was to avoid the Bank Holiday Traffic that typically spoils everyone's day. (and at Weston that's big time).

A few slight worries for this year as the Department of health have decided to close Inventures (where I currently work) supposedly by the 31st March 2005. I will be hanging on a long as I can to see if there is any redundancy payment for me. I am more disappointed than annoyed at the decision made by someone who has literally no idea of what we do and the fact that we actually make a profit!!

Anyway one of my New Year Resolutions is to be a little more chilled out this year and try to worry less about the consequences of my actions (in a responsible way though). Hoping to spend a little more time camping this year too as last year we didn't do any at all and hopefully this will result in spending a little less money, last year seemed expensive!!

That's it for now


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