Barrys Blog

Monday, March 26, 2007

The First Sailing of the Year

Looking at the forecast for Saturday and Sunday this last weekend it seemed like I had drawn the short straw again. Good day on Saturday but showers on Sunday In true weather forecasting style however they got it wrong and Sunday wasn't a bad day at all to get the first sail of the season underway.

We were both keen to set off and the conditions were good for starting - moderate wind and blowing along the length of the lake. Dressed suitably for the cold weather it was reasonably uneventful until the second half of the day when a Gybe went a little wrong and we nearly capsized - just taking on a little water.

The boat performed well and there were no leaks - it's looking good in its new livery for the 2007 season but I guess it wont stay like that for long. Well that ws the highlight of the weekend but Friday was a good night too, we went out with Janet and Andy on a "pub crawl" but stayed in just one pub. 5 pints later I woke up on Saturday morning feeling better that i deserved to after the night before but eh.. every one like that is an advantage - Carol wasn't too bad either.

The back pain is much better now with only a slight ache so there was a tentative game of Squash on Saturday evening which went well - with no sgnificant after effects. Can't be as old and infirm as I thought I was.

No sailing next weekend as wer'e off to the Isle of Wight for 2 days but with Easter coming up then I should get some more practice in for the racing season.


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